Rise and Climb

Bootstrapped Self-Publishing Secrets with JAFF Author Elizabeth Adams

Episode Summary

Tired of hearing her complain about how terrible self-published books were, Elizabeth Adams' husband challenged her to write a better one. She knew absolutely nothing about self-publishing, so--even though she was a full-time student raising three small children--she figured it out. She hoped to sell five books, but within the first two months, she made $10,000 on a five-dollar ebook in a very niche market: Jane Austen Fan Fiction. No one was more shocked than she was.

Episode Notes

What started as a challenge to write a noteworthy JAFF book turned into an unexpected career as a full-time author. 

Elizabeth Adams is a book-loving, tango-dancing, Austen enthusiast. She loves old houses and thinks birthdays should be celebrated with trips—as should most occasions. She can often be found by a sunny window with a cup of hot tea and a book in her hand.

She writes romantic comedy and comedic tragedy in both historic and modern settings.

She currently lives in Baltimore with her husband, children, blind cat, dog, and a growing flock of parakeets.

So many great tidbits of information in this episode! Tune in to hear all about how Elizabeth Adams bootstrapped her way to becoming a published author.  

You do not want to miss this one!

