Rise and Climb

How Jim Edwards went from dead broke, living in a trailer park, in the worst health of his life -- to living in a 7,000 sq ft home in the best health of his life -- able to make thousands of dollars in a day and do 30 pull-ups at a time!

Episode Summary

If you want to hear a truly American Rags to Riches story, tune in to hear Jim Edwards, 🎙 "The Unicorn Guy," 🦄 (he explains how he got this nickname in the interview) tell us about his journey from having his face ripped off -- twice -- 😳 to living in a trailer park in the worst health of his life ... 😫 to living in a 7,000 sq ft home with happy chickens 🐣 (you've got to tune in to his FB Lives to get this reference!) in the BEST health of his life--both physically *and* financially. 😃 Jim is an author, the founder of The Jim Edwards Method, and the co-founder of Funnel Scripts. He caught my attention at Funnel Hacking Live last year with this slide: "How to write, publish, & sell your own OUTRAGEOUSLY Profitable eBook in as little as 7 days – even if you can’t write, can’t type and failed high school English class!" I couldn't stop thinking about his presentation, so I ended up buying some of his wizardry ... as well as his NEW book: 🙌🏽 *Copywriting Secrets* I'm THRILLED to have him on the podcast today! 🤩 After you tune in and download the episode, be sure to Rate and Review the show! 😍 👊🏽🎙💥

Episode Notes

NOTES are on the way!