Rise and Climb

Lessons from Grace with Leisa Hammett

Episode Summary

The parent of an adult child with autism, Leisa Hammett has a fresh perspective on navigating the unknowns. Below are a few statements directly from the episode. I don't believe that we've snapped our fingers and changed, I think we're in for a lot of change, I think positive change. But it's gonna take time. We've been through a really rough period and it's gonna take time to transition. Last year, the pandemic was about re-invention. If we didn't drug ourselves out, you know, with television or alcohol or whatever, not that I'm knocking any of that. We hadn't, I think even still, we all had an opportunity whether we wanted it, whether we embraced it or not to go within. I think we still have that opportunity. I think we had to take a long look at many things that weren't working in our lives and that I feel like I've come out. And what I'm hearing from other people is we're coming out into creation, a year to create and what a better way to give back to the world than every person saying, you know, I've come out of this. I'm clearer, I've cleaned my house, and I'm on purpose. I'm going to create those things that I've maybe thought I weren't good enough to do and put on the back burner. There are some other things ... radical self-care ... Yeah, you do not want to miss this one...